Not only does the Village Cafe in Richmond have fantastic french fries, you know the kind that are super crunchy and have something fried on the outside, but they definitely have taken it to the next level. So I was munching late night at the joint and noticed something on the menu. It said Pizza Fries. I was slurping down a pumpkin pie milkshake at the time but my curiosity overcame me. I needed to try those bad boys.
My friends and I ordered a plate and were super pleased when these showed up. BOOM! Thats right! Pizza on top of french fries, exactly what I pictured. These delicious strips of starch and marinara sauce made my night. They come out on a super hot plate though so if you order them, be aware and don't get burned.
The guy brought out ranch with them and if you didn't already know, fries are great when you dip them in stuff. Ranch dipped fries are good but so were pumpkin pie milkshake dipped fries. The fry tasted like flakey pie crust that only grandmas and stay at home moms know how to make. This story is a perfect segment into a bit of life philosophy, always try new items on the menu.
Here is what happens when you try out new menu items. There are only a few outcomes and none are that bad. Best case you find a new favorite dish and are propelled into the best mood ever. Middle case, you are largely unimpressed but not disgusted either. Oh well, like the lottery always says, try again next time. Worst case, you get the worst tasting dinner you have had and are stomped into an emotional swamp by your choice. Bright side is that you have not wasted money, rather invested it in the knowledge of what not to ever eat again. Things always work out.
Jam to this song.
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