Blog battle on the Interwebs.

This is a declaration of battle on the blog located here. Why am I calling this blog out? They have stolen one too many ideas from me and it is time for them to pay. The question you are naturally asking now is, "How can I help?" Easy. Leave them hate comments. If you are wondering what kind of comment you should leave, I have already done the work for you. I have prepared a clip from my favorite movie, Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift, that embodies the stupor of thought that overwhelms me when I read above blog. Do not worry if you do not get the joke because I do and it is funny.

That is the video. Watch it and weep with laughter. You also have permission to embed it on the carrot blog. It is a battle and the etiquette follows battle rules.
Happy Destruction.

P.S. The movie The Expendables was great. good ole' Sly Stallone did an awesome job running even though his knees looked like they would give out.
Big Muscle Terry blasted his way through plenty of baddies and Randy "Wrestling Champ" Couture kicks a flaming Stone cold Steve Austin which made up for all the one liners he said which didn't make me laugh. So Action movie that has no good plot but great action stars and tons of explosions and punches equals exactly what it should be in my book. Watch and love it.

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