Modern Warfare 2

I know that this game came out years ago but I feel I must now blog about me wasting time. I have been playing this game too much. What else do you need to know? If you ever meet RumpRangr4eal in the match, you are about to get romped on.
I do have a few problems with the game. The graphic are good and you can shoot through the walls just like in real life but, trees are invincible. Nothing penetrates the hardwood of the games trees. Some games I sit and try to fell a few trees on my enemies and to my dismay, I just run out of bullets and appear a bright red dot on the radar. All I can say is that as things get more real, I can be picky about how real they claim to be. I mean when I play super mario three I have no problem with the flying turtles or the walking mushroom baddies. I am not bothered by the quick change mario experiences when he grabs a giant feather, mushroom, star or flower. Poof of smoke and cool eight bit sounds mask it well enough for me.

This brings me to 3D TV. Worst idea. Many of you may be excited by this new technology. Don't be. I have been blessed with the chance to watch a 3D TV and it just looked blurry to me. I thought they were supposed to be high-def and stuff but not the one I watched. The picture blurred in and out of focus. I told the sales guy that his TV sucked and do you know what he tried to do to me? Told me I needed glasses! How rude. I couldn't help but tell him that I was wearing contacts and had an exam just months ago. So, 3D TV you win no awards in my book. If I wanted TV to look like video games I would just play video games and I think that is what I will do now.

This will never happen. Cars won't just come out of your TV into the living room. Car companies wouldn't like that.

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